Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

We're Invested in the Long-Term Success of Local Businesses

At Walpole Co-operative Bank, we’re passionate about helping local businesses, which are so important to our communities. Through strategic partnerships, local businesses have access to an expanding resource for additional financing options.


Small Business Association (SBA) Lending

When appropriate, we work closely with the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) to provide small businesses with financing. Our team is familiar with all the SBA products and programs that are available and can evaluate your loan request to recommend a suitable structure.

  • 504 Loan – Long term loans for owner-occupied land, buildings and machinery with special interest rates and down payment requirements.
  • 7(A) Loan and LOWDOC Loans to support equipment, fixed assets and working capital needs for businesses.

Invest MA

According to data from the Commonwealth, small businesses and sole proprietorships make up about 85% of all businesses in Massachusetts. That’s why we’re proud to join forces with the Commonwealth to participate in Invest MA, a program designed to provide the financing that creditworthy small businesses need to grow.

  • Financial institutions participating in Invest MA are required to expand an existing small business loan program and/or create a new small business loan program that fosters the creation of jobs by offering loans for small business expansion, construction, and/or equipment.
  • To be eligible, a business must:
    • Have total annual sales of less than $5 million in its most recently completed fiscal year.
    • Have no loan or loans in aggregate of more than $1 million.
    • Have no loan for passive real estate purposes.

As a proud Invest MA participant, Walpole Co-operative Bank is committed to financing and helping build small businesses that create jobs, promote urban revitalization, and enhance the lives of those living in low- and moderate-income census tracts. Since becoming involved in this program, we’re proud to have generated $108,697,472.39 in loans to the business community. As of June 30, 2024, we’ve made a total of 109 small business loans with a committed balance of $15,998,200.13.

Jobs for New England (JNE)

Through the Bank’s partnership with The Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston (FHLBB) we are able to support local job growth and economic development as part of the JNE Program. Through the Program, eligible small businesses in New England receive special, subsidized financing to help create and/or retain jobs, or otherwise contribute to overall economic development activities.

Welcome to Walpole!

For more information about our products or services, please visit our office, use our information request form or give us a call at (508) 668-1080. 



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